dwm is written in C ... no automatic refresh .. you want to configure? then you must compile :)
dwm has remained simple ..virgin i would say: virgin from any gadget and other options that slow down environment and ultimately affect the performance of the computer and the user, while it was not the primary idea.
dwm is distributed by suckless.org Dedicated to software that sucks less ... and adopts the KISS philosophy.
dwm is fully controllable from the keyboard but can also make good use of your mouse (moving clients, resize on the fly ..).
this session launches dwm in its original release, without menu or specific patchs.
DWM is a tiling window manager, it displays your windows (clients) so that they occupy the entire surface of the desk (tags). occupied tags are indicated by a small square. clients are organized in different ways (layouts) to optimize the visibility of your applications. layouts are organized around the Master (main zone) and Stack (stacking area from other clients).
dwm is launched directly from session-selector script without startup script.
dwm session is organized with different elements:
dwm is fully controllable from the keyboard: control, launchers, navigation, tags and clients manipulation...
keybinds/mousebinds are defined in the config.h file from sources when compiling.