configure the Shell
livarp uses zsh as default shell (but bash is still availble). zsh is configured from ~/.zshrc (bash from ~/.bashrc).
bash and zsh configuration are defined in those files: you can set alias or functions...
terminal gui interface is configured by ~/.Xresources.
both of the configuration files for zsh or bash includes same alias and functions. below a little list of your shell capacities:
- bad typing: alias cd..='cd ..', alias ...='cd ..', alias ....='cd ../..'
- goto: alias gm='cd /media', alias gc='cd ~/.config', alias gb='cd ~/bin'
- agenda: alias agenda='urxvtcd -T agenda -e calcurse'
- g33k: alias starwars="telnet"
- top10 used commands: alias top10='print -l ${(o)history%% *} | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10'
- processes opening ports: alias ports='lsof -i -n -P'
- latest modified files: alias mod60 et alias modd
package managment
- alias debup='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get clean'
- alias debsh='apt-cache search'
- alias debvs='apt-cache policy'
- alias debcl='sudo apt-get clean'
- alias debin='sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install'
- alias debrm='sudo apt-get autoremove --purge'
- alias debgui='gksudo synaptic'
exit & reboot
- alias :q='exit'
- alias oust='echo "bye $USER..."; sleep 2s && sudo shutdown -h now'
- alias comeback='echo "be back right now..."; sleep 2s && sudo shutdown -r now'
basic functions
- function ff: find a file in a directory by its name or part of the name
- function bak: generate a backup file named *.bak
- function today: mini calendar
- function space: generate a list with user directories sorted by size.
- function dduse: disk usage
- function mmuse: memory usage
- function my_ps: lists user active process
- function pp: lists active process in a tree
- function core: cpu informations
- function graph: graphic card informations
- function ethcard: ethernet card informations
- function wfcard: wireless card informations
- function my_eip: external IP address
- function ii: full system & user informations
- function extract: extract an archive in the current disrectory
- mktar, mktgz, mktbz, mktxz: compress a directory in an archive in .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 or .tar.xz format.
~/.Xresources file configure interface, colors, fonts and some options of your terminal emulator.
this file is pretty easy to understand. the syntax is "option = string".
once modified, you have to reload your Xresources config by running "xrdb -load ~/.Xresources" in a terminal.