empty trash
as you may have noticed, Rox-Filer doesn't use a trash, but some apps does (like transmission…) so, you may want to empty the trashcan sometimes :) if so, just delete the ~/.local/share/Trash directory:
with ranger cli-manager:
- open ranger: Alt+r
- display hidden files: “zh” in ranger client
- select ~/.local, then 'share' then 'Trash'
- delete the directory: in ranger client, type ”:delete” then “y” when it asks you “delete seriously ?”
with Rox-Filer:
- open rox: Alt+Shift+r
- display hidden files: Ctrl+h
- navigate through ~/.local/share
- delete the Trash directory by right-clic on it then “delete” in the menu. or select it then Ctrl+x.
with a command:
$ rm -f -R /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash