Conky is an application that delivers real-time information about your system. This information is displayed on your desktop, in a conventional window in a status bar as dzen or a status bar included to window manager like dwm or wmfs.
Conky comes with many internal options but can also make use of scripts (bash, python, lua ...), allowing it to display just about anything you want and how you want.
conky configuration is made by editing its .conkyrc* type file in your ~/.conky directory on livarp.
This file is divided into two parts:
livarp used conky in different ways depending sessions:
you can configure different Conky by editing their respective files in ~ /.conky/* and named by the window manager in which they are used: ~/.conky/.conkyrc_dwm, ~/.conky/.conkyrc_evil ...
the other conkys in ~/.conky, named ~/.conky/livarp_cky* are used by conky-switcher.
*conkyd is a conky'copy, here to preserve statusbar display during a 'killall conky'.
this little soft is made by benoitfra, a member of the crunchbanglinux-fr forum, and adapted to livarp.
conky-switcher as its name suggests, allows you to switch between different conky, edit and run automatically when you start your session. it is presented in a very simple form, you have 9 Conky pre-installed in addition to Conky in each sessions (the two last lines are the lua scripts associated to conkys):
you can add, remove or delete conkys. the right 'X' is here to stop all conkys:
its use is really simple. conky-switcher is inspired by the "conky-control" tool from Voyager Linux distribution (based on XUbuntu)
note: if you use conky-switcher to launch a conky on startup, make sure to disable, if necessary, default session conky (edit ~/bin/start/wm* script. see sessions section for more infos).
livarp gives you many examples that let you make an idea about "how works conky". fortunately, conky man is in english and gives you all the available functions and variables for conkyrc type file (the french doc is longer... much more longer :) ).
so, simply open a terminal and type
Happy Conkying !!