livarp startup applications are launched from two file types: your ~/.xinitrc and the 'autostart' scripts placed in your ~/bin/start/*
this file is read by xinit and launch your X interface and some commons apps for the 9 sessions. here you can configure your dualscreen, your touchpad, your startup wall or pass livarp in single-session mode without editing system files.
## launch single session ##
## replace "your-wm" by your favorite window-manager
#exec ck-launch-session ~/bin/start/
## launch session selector script
exec /usr/local/bin/
the livarp 9 sessions are launched from scripts in your ~/bin/start/ directory.
if you want to midify autostart applications, just edit thoose files. each session have a menu entry to do that.
note that livarp doesn't use regular Pekwm and Fluxbox autostart-scripts, but you can do it as ou want.