tablaunch is an ultra-minimal independent dock. it was the default crunchbanglinux panel at its first version (crunchbang7.10.1). this is the most "basic" and I recommend you to use another dock if you want nice icons. the interest lies in its tablaunch option "text-only" which creates a dock ultra-reactive. the latest version of tablaunch is included in livarp, as well as a startup script and configuration file.
the script is in your $HOME/bin/ and is ready to launch tablaunch
# tabdock, a simple script for tablaunch
tablaunch \
--ignoreXRM \
--dock bottom -x 0 -y 0 -r \
-fn "snap" -sfn "snap" \
-bg "#000000" \
-fg "#9E9E9E" -sfg "#D7D7D7" -pfg "#099F00" \
-d 1 -t -e 1 --fit_text \
--hidden 1 --bottom 1 --top 1 \
--pulldown 5 --caption_y 10 \
--no_label \
-c ~/.tablaunchrc
this script launch a dock in the bottom of your screen, in auto-hide mode. a list of all options can be found on bottom of this page
the config file is in your $HOME/.tablaunchrc. it's a simple text that lists launchers to include in tablaunch.
# tablaunchrc
# file format: label command icon big_icon
ranger "urxvtc -e ranger"
filer "rox"
terminal "urxvtc"
internet "firefox"
tchat "urxvtc -e weechat-curses"
mail "claws-mail"
zik "urxvtc -T zik-player -e mocp"
gimp "gimp"
inkscape "inkscape"
livarp "firefox"
deviantart "firefox"
crunch "firefox http://crunchbanglinux-fr"
pics "rox ~/pics"
docs "rox ~/docs"
.config "rox ~/.config"
exit ""
to have a real menu, just put something like that in your ~/.tablaunchrc
# ~/.tablaunchrc
# file format: label command icon big_icon
menu "compiz-deskmenu"
tablaunch options list (available with 'tablaunch -h')
tablaunch version 0.6
usage: tablaunch [option] [option] ...
where options include:
option...............X resource.............description
-h, --help..................................displays this help
--settings..................................lists current settings
--ignoreXRM.................................ignore X resources
-c configfile........configfile.............config file listing tabs
-fg color............foreground.............foreground text color
-sfg color...........selected_foreground....foreground text color of selected tab
-pfg color...........pressed_foreground.....foreground text color of pressed tab
-bg color............background.............background color of tab
-fn of font for tab
-sfn of font for selected tab
-x xoffset...........xoffset................x offset of tabs from left/right of screen
-y yoffset...........yoffset................y offset of tabs from top/bottom of screen
-r...................rightalign.............align tabs to right of screen
-d hideDelay.........hide_delay.............seconds until tabs auto-hide
-l...................always_show_label......always show text label
-t...................text_only..............don't use icons
-k...................keep_selected_on_hide..selected tab is apparent when hidden
-e float.............expand_factor..........expand factor
--iconMaskOff........use_icon_mask..........allows images to be transparent
--fit_text...........fit_text...............makes icons wider to fit text
--s_yoffset pixels...selected_yoffset.......y offset of selected tab from adjacent tabs
--limit_y pixels.....limit_y................y coordinate of highest tab
--hidden pixels......hidden_height..........pixels that are visible when auto-hidden
--bottom below text label
--top above text label
--sides pixels.......margin_sides...........extra space left and right of text label
--pulldown far down to pulldown the selected tab
--opts.bevel pixels..opts.bevel.............size of bevel around tab
--overlap pixels.....tab_overlap............pixels that tab overlap each other, negative value means tab separation
--step pixels........step_factor............step factor of tab offset as it gets farther from the selected tab
--height pixels......same_height............use this height for all icons
--caption_y pixels...caption_yoffset........y offset for captions under icons
--no_caption.........no_caption.............turn off caption under icons
--no_label...........no_label...............turn off all labels for icons
--iconhome dir.......iconhome...............set dir to search for icons, expects 48x48 and 64x64 subdirs
--no_iconhome........no_iconhome............don't use icon home
--blinks int.........blinks.................number of blinks when tab is pressed
--brightness float...brightness.............brightness of pressed icon
--dock [top|bottom]..dock_position..........screen position of launchbar