welcome to livarPi.

livarPi lets you build your own Debian system on raspberry Pi™. livarPi is based on RaspbianInstaller, is delivered without X server and has several tools to begin the raspberry Pi adventure:

  • cli window manager: dvtm
  • file manager: mc & ranger
  • editor: nano & vim
  • web browser: links2
  • mail client: mutt
  • irc client: weechat
  • media player: omxplayer
  • tools: htop & ncdu
  • pi administration: raspi-config & ssh
  • infos system: "ii" function
  • extractor: "extract" function

main features:

  • livarPi is built from rapbianInstaller and based on Debian Wheezy.
  • livarpPi is middle/advanced user oriented as everything run in console.
  • livarPi is available via ssh from a distant machine.
  • livarPi includes the raspi-server script to quickly install your web server.
  • livarPi is in french by default: to change locale/keyboard, launch "raspi-config" as root.
  • livarPi can be flashed on a 2G SDcard. prefer a 4G size card for a full server installation.
  • livarPi is configured to display VGA 1024x768: to modify this, comment the "hdmi*" lines in the config.txt file on the vfat boot partition.
  • livarPi overclocks your rPi to à 950MHz: to modify it, launch "raspi-config" as root or comment dedicated lines in the config.txt file.

user & passwords

  • user: root / password: raspberry
  • user: pi / password: rasp

first boot: be sure to change your passwords.

$ su
# passwd pi
Enter the new UNIX password :
Confirm the new UNIX password :
passwd : pi password successfully updated.

and same process for root.

update/upgrade issue ? : change your apt mirror from the raspbian mirror list by editing your /etc/apt/sources.list: # vim /etc/apt/sources.list

shots of livarPi ?

>>> download livarPi